Press Releases

RTC Group Ranks in the Top 3 in 21 of 27 Categories in the 2012 RIS Software Leaderboard

RTC Group Ranks in the Top 3 in 21 of 27 Categories in the 2012 RIS Software Leaderboard

RIS Software LeaderBoard ’12 [PDF]
Orlando, FL. & Phoenix, AZ. December 6, 2012 – RTC Group, the largest independent consulting company that specializes in store systems products licensed by JDA Software Group®, announced that they were ranked #1 in seven categories including Overall Customer Satisfaction and Leaders in Recommendations in the 2012 RIS Software Leaderboard. The results were published in the December edition of RIS magazine. This comprehensive survey is considered the top guide for retailers to identify the best retail technology software companies. Rankings are based on a combination of retail concentration, revenue and customer satisfaction.

“RTC Group is proud to be recognized by its customers as an industry leader in so many RIS Leaderboard categories; however, none of them compare to being ranked #1 in overall customer satisfaction. Our focus for 23 years has been predicated on customer satisfaction and I cannot express how much it means to all of us at RTC Group for that recognition by our customers. Moving forward, our focus will not change as we look forward to tackling the “Mobile Revolution” challenges that our customers face in 2013 and beyond,” said Bruce Hicks, CEO and President of RTC Group.

Furthermore, RTC Group ranked in the Top 3 in 21 of 27 Categories including:

RTC Group ranked #1 in 7 Categories

  1. #1 – Overall leaders in Customer Satisfaction (Tied for 1st)
  2. #1 – Criteria Leaders in Total Costs of Operations
  3. #1 – Criteria Leaders in Recommendations Status (2 way tie)
  4. #1 – Midsize Vendor Leaders in Customer Satisfaction(Tied for 1st)
  5. #1 – Targeted Solution Vendor Leaders in Customer Satisfaction
  6. #1 – Leaders in Total Cost of Operations by Mid-Sized Retailers
  7. #1 – Leaders in Recommendations Status by Mid-Sized Retailers

RTC Group ranked #2 in 8 Categories

  1. #2 – Criteria Leaders in Overall Performance
  2. #2 – Criteria Leaders in Quality of Service
  3. #2 – Leaders in Customer Satisfaction by Mid-Sized Retailers
  4. #2 – Targeted Solution Vendor Leaders
  5. #2 – Leaders in Installation/Integration by Mid-Sized Retailers
  6. #2 – Leaders in Administration/Maintenance by Mid-Sized Retailers
  7. #2 – Leaders in Quality of Support by Mid-Sized Retailers
  8. #2 – Leaders in Quality of Service by Mid-Sized Retailers

RTC Group ranked in the Top 5 in 25 Categories overall

  1. #3 – Criteria Leaders in Total Cost of Operations
  2. #5 – Criteria Leaders in Technology Innovation
  3. #3 – Criteria Leaders in Installation & Integration
  4. #5 – Criteria Leaders in Administration & Maintenance
  5. #3 – Criteria Leaders in Quality of Support
  6. #3 – Leaders in Customer Satisfaction by Special Retailers
  7. #3 – Leaders in Overall Performance by Mid-Sized Retailers
  8. #3 – Leaders in Return on Investment by Mid-Sized Retailers
  9. #4 – Leaders in Technology Innovation by Mid-Sized Retailers
  10. #5 – Leaders in Product Reliability by Mid-Sized Retailers

“RTC Group’s strong showing in Customer Satisfaction, including a #1 Ranking, reflects a track record of dedication to its customers. This dedication shows up throughout the Software LeaderBoard in high rankings for the RTC Group that places them in elite company among software vendors, ” said Joe Skorupa, editor-in-chief of RIS. “Congratulations are in order for the RTC Group on its impressive showing in this year’s LeaderBoard.”

RTC Group will be demonstrating it’s StoreMobile Cloud Suite at booth (#2487) at the National Retail Federation Tradeshow in January. The solution seamlessly integrates back-end JDA MMS merchandising and inventory functions into a Mobile suite including, MobilePOS, CRM, SODA, Warehouse and eCommerce, providing a true Omni Channel – Sell Anywhere, Anytime and Deliver Anywhere Cloud approach.

About RTC Group: Founded in 1989, RTC Group is considered the industry’s “MD of Retail IT”, with their ability to help retailers gain a competitive advantage by offering store solutions that increase operating efficiencies, control costs and increase customer loyalty. Recently, RTC merged with Solutions to form RTC Group. RTC have strong track records of collaboration and through this newly formed go-to-market relationship, the two companies will partner to strengthen and expedite their combined offerings and StoreMobile Cloud strategy.

To learn more about RTC Group, please visit

JDA MMS is a registered trademark of JDA Software Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.


  1. Lee Williams
  2. RTC Group
  3. 407-352-5607 ext 307
  4. [email protected]
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