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RTC Guides Variety Wholesalers from Proprietary ACI Switch to “Black Box” Payment Processing


In 2014, Variety Wholesalers (VW), a privately held company located in Henderson, NC with more than 355 retail stores, was faced with a sunsetting switch from ACI leaving VW with more PCI headaches and few options.  As a longtime RTC customer, VW approached RTC for assistance and guidance in developing a strategic plan to transition off their proprietary ACI payment card switch and onto a processing platform that significantly reduces its PCI liability exposure.

RTC’s Store Systems Division, led by Duane McGlamery (VP Store Systems), quickly stepped in to provide “industry best practices” guidance on behalf of VW that not only eliminates the ACI switch, but allows VW to “Black Box” their entire payment card process and virtually take it out of PCI scope.  Furthermore, the plan puts VW ahead of the field with EMV Chip & Pin, which is the future of credit in the US.

First project steps were to engage several PCI vendor industry leaders for partnership consideration including CenPOS, Eigen Development, Ingenico and Verifone.  After careful consideration, VW selected Eigen Development as the solution partner running their software on the Verifone MX915 customer facing pin-pad.

With Eigen Development and RTC as the technology partners for this project, the project objective was defined to move all current payment card processing off the ACI switch and onto the Eigen platform by the end of August and ensure all transactions are encrypted at the point of swipe.  Once the pilot proves to be successful, VW plans an aggressive roll-out schedule with completion slated for 2Q16.

“While most retailers have taken a wait and see approach to EMV, Variety was able to leverage RTC’s expertise and guidance to dive into the EMV pool and prepare for EMV today.  They are a leader in the mid-tier retailer space and join the list of mostly Tier 1 retailers including Home Depot & Target, who are ready for EMV,” said Duane McGlamery.

“With this latest EMV project involving Eigen and Verifone, RTC has again shown a sense of urgency to make sure that the project remains on schedule, and that published target dates are met. RTC continues to be an excellent partner in our company’s advancing to the latest technology and processes in the support of all of our stores”, says Gary Boxler, Director of Information Systems Support Services for VW.

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