Historical Toolbox of MMS Enhancements


Store level security to JDA menu structure

This feature allows management to restrict user functionality to a configured set of stores. Each user must be authorized to appropriate locations. Menu options that prompt for store locations verify against an authorization table for the signed on user.

Auto assignment of Style numbers

Companies that manufacture their own merchandise must establish their own style code. Typically a standard scheme is adopted. These programs use that adopted number scheme to automatically assign style codes during item entry.

Auto assignment of client UPC numbers

Some companies build scanning standards to allways scan UPC codes. Some small vendors do not supply UPC codes on their merchandise. Some companies manufacture their own merchandise and should establish their own UPC codes. These programs use a standard 5 digit vendor code plus an item number to automatically assign UPC codes during item entry.

Hierarchy reclassification

Improved the JDA MMS shelfware required run time. Modified those programs to ensure ending positions of the "from" hierarchy is correct. Ensures that all files are reclassified. (perpetual, stock ledger, audit, etc.)(Remove and add back logicals to improve processing time)(Build work file based on batch selection criteria)(build work file from STK for shops not maintaining SSK)

Resynchronization of stock ledger to perpetual INVBAL

This feature rebuilds stock ledger files from the audit file with weekly ledger data and resynchronizes the stock ledger ending inventory at unit, cost, and retail to reflect values held within the current perpetual file. Adjustment entries are generated and posted to the stock ledger files and written to the audit file for tracking purposes.

Mass update facility for sku attributes by selecting levels of merchandise hierarchy (Version 4R4)

Several fields within the item master have been made available for update within a mass update facility by selecting the merchandise hierarchy to process.

Additional merchandise hierarchies such as Image

MMS standard hierarchy levels are dept, sub-dept, class, sub-class, vendor, style, sku. This set of programs manages a set of new files to support a new hierarchy level between sub-class and vendor called Image. Reporting and planning options were enhanced to utilize this new level.

Maintain inventory group by store/sku

Enhanced screen functionalty to maintain inventory group by store/sku or sku/store

Utilize substitute sku for associated blank sku for screen printing functionality (considerations in landed cost, receiving adjustments, and Vendor maintenance)

Manufacturing functionality to track corporate owned merchandise with outsourced vendor additions such as screen printing or embrodering

End of Day enhancements for Non-JDA application interfaces, and exception reporting to redflag outques

End of day interfaces and exception reporting added to standard MMS end of day processes.

Multiple environment processing for Food & Beverage division

Setups to run multiple environments on a single system. Modifications to allow the environments to run concurrently utilizing many on the same files for both environments thus requiring less file maintenance to accommodate changes (such as store adds). Optional setups for multiple environments on a single system running independent of each other.

Rebuilt system to reflect changed corporate calendar
Year 2000 compliance updates (Version 4R4)

Year 2000 compliance documentation for version 4r4. Project plan for applying ptf updates and custom code review. Test plans for all modules within the JDA system and dependent systems such as EDI.

Corporate physcal calendar date change

Programs change all date sensitive totals within MMS to reflect a new physcal calendar date range. Merchandise century, year, period and week are correcdted within all files. Total files (including sales history) will present totals based upon the new calendar.

Expanded UPC field to 17 character from 13 numeric

Enhanced validation and screen formatting of UPC maintenance screen. Utilizes the UPC file as an item alternate identifier file. Version 4r4 UPC file expanded to support a 17 character UPC/alternate ifdentifier number. The program validate UPC and ISBN check digits.

System tuning and editing for the Book industry
Additional field element tracking for Publisher, Author, ISBN, EAN, Magazine issue numbers, Year, etc.


Enhancements to capture deferred costing (difference between set store costs and variable warehouse cost)

Provides a cost mark up on warehouse shipments to store locations.

System maintenance for a queryable cost price file

Nightly creates a current cost/price file by item store to facilitate SQL and Query adhoc reporting. CSTPLN and PRCPLN files support effective dates that renders SQL and Query very cumbersome to acquire the current cost or price.

Fix average costing formulas for accuracy (Version 4R4)

Fix store level average costing formulas to handle negative inventories.

Historical recosting

Adjust historical costs based on vendor cost as of the end of last period.

Audit trail for average costing supported with new fields in INVAUD

Additional fields maintained for each invaud record (average cost before transaction, average cost after transaction).

Applied landed cost for Blanks/upcharges

Enhanced landed cost functionality to include manufactured items.

Enhance system so that stores on store level costing does not affect chain costing
Function key on Event maintenance to import details from spreadsheet

Price Management

Enhance sku maintenance for store pricing to allow multi-currency

Enhanced version 4r4 sku maintenance fiunctionality to record store pricing in multicurrency.

Deal Pricing (version 4R4)

Enhanced price management to account for volumn purchases.

Function key on Event maintenance to import details from spreadsheet
Advance Coupon management Module
Advanced pricing for percentages
Advanced pricing (buy from group A get a deal in group B)


Subclass level historical trend file initialization and maintenance

Generation and maintenance of seasonality curves based on weekly sales history. Maintenance support down to individual store/dept/sub dept/class/sub class weekly.

Automated trend adjustments based on current sku performance (Forecast engine)

Generation and maintenance of forecasted sku weekly sales based on sku historical performance adjusted for seasonality trends and in-stock positions.

Sku/Store level sales & stock level planning

Bottom up planning system in which store/sku plans were maintained accounting for onhands, forecasted sales, weeks of supply, display quantities, on order and adjustments.

Open to buy at sku level rolled up to hierarchy

Selectable level of Open to buy reporting based on sku store level planning data. Weekly reports show excess inventory supply and suggested merchandise reorders.

Auto-Replenishment integration with sku level planning
New Feature: Desired out of stock date

Sku level planning interface to RPLORD sub-system

MMS integration to Buyer's Tool Box Planning system
Planoguide Product


Allocation product at sub-class level..Integrations to Pre-distributed PO and Post Distributions

E3 Planning and Allocation integration

TRIM product: All file interfaces from JDA to E3 TRIM

All required feeds to the E3 TRIM product. Seemless interfaces include item files, vendor file, demand history, etc.

TRIM product: PO requests from E3 TRIM interfaced to JDA Purchase Order Management

Purchase order request header and detail files are interfaced to the JDA purchase order system. All necessary JDA information is loaded from the E3 interface files. Purchase orders are optionally automatically faxed or sent through EDI to the approprate vendor.

SLIM product: All file interfaces from JDA to E3 SLIM

All required feeds to the E3 SLIM product. Seemless interfaces include item files, vendor file, demand history, etc at the store level.

SLIM product: PO and Transfer requests from E3 SLIM interfaced to JDA PO and Warehouse management

Product request header and detail files are interfaced into the JDA replenishment system generating either transfer requests or purchase orders for both stores and warehouses. Programs within the JDA replenishment system are used to review requested quantities. Enhanced suggested reporting streamlines the buyers work load.


System maintained class/store level profiles
New item store forecast
Enhanced statistical formula
System determined desired weeks of supply
Enhanced Suggested order review
Warehouse replenishment synced with store replenishment
Enhanced simulator
Replacement sku accounting for replaced sku's sales and availability; Allocates from warehouse, available replaced skus
Enhanced schedule maintenance (by distribution code, etc)

Purchase Order Management

PO Print formatting

Enhancements to the purchase order printing include new format and overlays.

Garment tag generation

Includes interface formats to various barcode printers

Purchase Order analysis at the subclass level, Past due, etc.

Reporting for past due, current and future period on order at selected merchandise hierarchy levels.

Purchase Order approval system

Multi-tiered purchase order approval system to allow multiple levels of management approval before allowing the release of a purchase order. New selection/approval screens and reports utilize purchase order statuses and spooled output to review and approve requests.

Closed PO archive and retrieval system

Released purchase orders are archived to a new archive file; receipts are posted to the archive file without deleting fully received line items. New option for PO inquiry provides visibility to archive file.

Item Pre-sales

Store system special orders formulate pre-distributed purchase orders with customer comments.

Individual Line Item allocations for Multi-Drop PO

New options to allow automated allocations by PO line item. (Fixed quantities based on store groups, Make like selected sku's sales performace for selected time frame, Strength matrix, Four tier hierachy sales performance for selected time frame)

Re-open of Multi-Drop PO

Re-open of multi-drop purchase orders formulates back to a master PO with distribution records.

Enhanced PO copy functionality

Optionally retains item quantities. Provides multi-drop PO copy function.

Create Vendor Suggested Order from spreadsheet

Import of vendor supplied files to JDA replenishment system to generate purchase orders from vendor suggested order quantities. Several screens/reports aid in the review/manipulation of vendor suggested amounts in order to generate the desired purchase order.

Pre-Distributed Allocations based on historical sub-class/store contribution
Seasonal Bookings
PO Emailing to Vendors
Expense PO management
Merge PO process


Fax integration with Purchase Order Management

Optionally select purchase orders to be interfaced to the Fast Fax product.

EDI standard document types: New PO's, changed PO's, Invoice receiving, confirmations (Version 4R4)

Version 4r4 EDI functionality within the JDA MMS system.

Cross platform integration with GENTRAN NT

PC EDI solution utilizing GENTRAN NT. Files are put in the required format, retrieved and sent to the AS/400. All data is then transmitted and received on the NT server.

AS400 platform integration with GENTRAN 400

AS/400 EDI solution utilizing GENTRAN on the AS/400.

Migrate 4r5 functionality back to 4r3


Added fields on the Receiver authorization document: User Id, ASN#
Special Instructions on Transfer header
Shipping manifests reflect store costs in multi-currency
Allow Pick Ticket print queues by user
Added fields on the Shipping and Picking manifests: Original Product ID, Transfer number, 30 char description
Enhanced Pick sequencing
This process allows for picking to proceed down one aisle and turn the corner and go down the next aisle in the most efficient manner. JDA�s base process will have the user pick in slot number order and due to typical warehouse setups this is not always the most efficient process.
Auto close of ASN after last Receiver Authorization is closed
ASN inquiry start at Ship Date
Slot configuration for Z and U pick styles

This process allows for the picking process to happen in a Z pick or U pick style by utilizing the override pick sort sequence field in the JDA Slot Maintenance. In order to achieve the desired results the user will need to create a top view mapping of the warehouse facility and number code slots to dictate product movement. This numbering will be entered into the override pick sort sequence.

Streamlined predistributed crossdock processing

This process utilizes the base JDA cross-dock process creating an area within the facility where warehouse staff will build pallets for all the pre-distr. items. These pallets when full or when the store�s orders are ready to ship can be pulled to go on the truck. The main benefit of this process is to stop other store�s from pulling more than their needed amount of particular goods or to avoid the warehouse potentially misplacing this product and missing promotional sales due to warehouse inaccuracy.

Streamlined Appointment scheduling without using ASN

The base MMS warehouse module requires an ASN to be generated in order to utilize the Appointment Scheduling module. This enhancement generates an ASN every time the buyer creates a Purchase Order. The created ASN allows the users to utilize the Appointment Scheduling module.

Pick to Pallet maximizing cube

This function was created in order to build cubed pallets in an UN-cubed environment. Using the Pick to Container function within the Zone setup facilitates this process. A pallet is considered a container and the user assigns a calculated cube based on their product�s specifications. The JDA system will create a picklist for each container (pallet). This standardizes the types of pallets leaving the facility but also makes it easier for the store locations to check in received items, since a manifest is produced per pallet (container).

Create area maximums for Directed Putaway using slot coordinates

This option minimizes the areas that like items could be spread around a warehouse facility. The maximum allowed overstock to a concentrated area within a reasonable distance from the primary pick locations

Post distribution batches auto release processing
Enhanced reporting: Expected work by zone based on AM/PM batching

This report allows the warehouse supervisor to plan their work day by taking all the orders that were entered in the systems by noon and scheduling them to be picked. This report also allows them to schedule all the orders that were keyed after noon and schedule them appropriately.

Enhanced reporting: Expected work by picking slot with identified reserves based on AM/PM batching

This report utilizes the same premise as number 62, but this report shows you the volume for a sku and the particular slot the merchandise will be picked from. This report is a great help in prioritizing the letdown process.

User defined selection of slots for cycle counting
Assign carton ID's to picking documents through data entry instead of radio frequency
RF Optimization product features
Alternate warehouse management by merchandise hierarchy
RF Pick Auditing
External Warehouse integrations
Enhanced RTV management with RF
Redirect Transfers
Transfer shipment consolidate

Merchandise Control

Reversing of Transactions from audit history

Retrieves selected transactions and date range from audit file creating a transaction batch to reverse those transactions.

Business alert reporting and inquiries (Dashboard)

Outstanding transfers past 14 days; Outstanding orders 14 days past cancellation date; Items with greater than 6 weeks or less than 2 weeks available stock on hand; etc.

Enhanced inventory count sheets

New sort options; Barcoded heading; 8 1/2 x 11 in paper formatting.

Invtrn and INVUPD stream modifications for Sales extract data. New Transaction types.

Programs to interface sales transactions from external systems that are not processed through Sales Audit. Special transaction type to capture sales at cost.

Omit cost fields on INV041 ledger report for selected locations

Restrict visibility to cost fields on ledger reporting for selected locations.

Auto receive set on a store by store basis

Base MMS system allows shipment types to be auto-received or not. Extra configurations allow shipment types by store.

Allow tax codes to be maintained to the subclass level

Base MMS system allows tax codes to be set by department. Extra configurations allow tax code definition to the sub-class level.

Comparison of JDA sales to Non-JDA GL sales for auditing

Comparision reports comparing MMS stock ledger to Lawson or JD Edwards general ledger.

Inventory uploads from REGIS Services

Detail scan records from RGIS formatted to MMS inventory service file for inventory processing

Enhanced Kit processing: Tracking perpetual and sales for parent skus

Simultaneous sales tracking for parent skus and component skus.

Set building and breaking functionality for kitchenware

Enhanced systems to support set breakdown and/or build back up.

V.A.T. government reporting

Special VAT reporting meeting requirements from European State and Provences

Monitoring reports for unprocessed transaction members
Distribution Center Service Level reports
Vendor fill rate reporting
Vendor weekly in-stock analysis
Enhanced style inquiry
Stock Ledger rebuilding
Mass Item maintenenace with Spreadsheets
FIFO inventory reporting
Stock Balancing


Retrieve multi-currency rates based on store location country codes

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Last year comparison reporting adjusted for multi-currency

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Last year reporting adjusted for last year's currency conversion rates.

Currency rate table adjusted for the system

Automated rate table population from internet service.

Provide currency cross rates

Cross rates from one currency to another supported.

Sales Analysis

Enhanced Sales Analysis reporting with percent to totals

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Enhanced reporting utilizing PC platform integration

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Enhanced Flash Sales reporting: Units per transaction, Average dollar sales, by cashier

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Micro Strategies Data warehousing setup, configuration, and interfaces

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

POS interfaces

Item master download with activation and deactivation

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Price event interfaces

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Sales transaction log interfaces from various POS systems to JDA

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Account for V.A.T. in sales extract data

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

POS interfaces

Enhanced reliability, trackability, accuracy, speed, and platform independence with HTPLINK

Stock ledger tracking in home country currency code; Store level reporting in store location's currency conversion.

Sales Audit

Standalone module for non-JDA applications

Disconneted MMS Sals Audit from the integrated MMS system so that it may be operated with other corporate systems.

Loss Prevention Statistical analysis inquiry and reporting system

Loss Prevention Module that utilizes the MMS sales audit database for analysis.

Store Systems

Enhanced Store level reorder report
Store level Stock Ledger reporting
Enhanced Store ordering process

Store management access to suggested order file for review, adjustment, and approval. Approved batches interfaced to replenishment module to purchase order or transfer generation.

Voucher System with barcode scanning, agency tracking and billing

Includes the maintenance of voucher plans and the ability to assign agencies to the plans. The vouchers are barcoded (either uniquely or with a group number). History data captures date and time of redemption. Reports help determine the performance of plans and agencies. Other options available to automatically generate billing to the agencies.

Bridal Registry system interfaced to POS, local database, synchronization to host, multi-store broadcasting
Special Order system with delivery location and notification
Real time Customer Loyalty
Store MS POS
Mobile Wireless Product for all store level inventory management
Partial Receipt of Transfers

Accounts Payable

Check reformatting
Vendor Name sequence for Cash Requirements report
Selectable date range for Open Payables report
Match multiple invoices to a single receiver
Enhanced line item matching with automated credit memo generation and receiver adjustments
Invoice Load from Spreadsheet
Enhanced Rebate Invoicing

General Ledger

Responsibility report adjusted for Multi-currency
Interfaces from JDA to other accounting systems: JDE, Infinium, MAS90, etc
Additional interface configuration for store type used for Franchises
Merchandising to GL reconcilations

Franchise / Customer Ordering

Receiver adjustments for upcharges
Billing for warehouse to store transfers
PO dropship interface to billing
Additional GL interface configuration for store type
New store type of "F" for Franchise
Omit perpetual tracking for Franchise store types
Dealer/Wholesale module with corporate order entry system and web site order entry; Warehouse fulfillment; Customer costing.
Canada Taxing
Enhanced reserve management
Web Store Integrations


Initialize sales history from PC platform archives: TM1
Version & PTF releases with merging of client specific modifications
Excel spreadsheet interfaces to JDA databases

Spreadsheet item entry form. Used by vendors, quick entry, or cut and paste from catelog databases. Spreadsheet load to AS400. Batch editing supporting base MMS edits and user defined edits. Batch posting to MMS item maintenance.

MMS upgrades

Planning integration

Includes initial loads and weekly feeds from JDA MMS to NT server running the ANT buyer's toolbox. FTP is utilized to transfer data between the two systems. The necessary planning levels are determined so that the proper data is extracted from JDA and feed to ANT buyer's toolbox.
Utilize the ANT Buyer's Toolbox for weekly sub class by location planning levels
Interfaces setup to facilitate initial load of the historical information as well weekly updates
Assortments interfaced to provide views outside Dept/Sub Dept/Class/Sub Class (ie style, key items, etc)
Store groupings interfaced by regions

Spreadsheet item entry form. Used by vendors, quick entry, or cut and paste from catelog databases. Spreadsheet load to AS400. Batch editing supporting base MMS edits and user defined edits. Batch posting to MMS item maintenance.

Arthur Planning Integrations

Retail Ideas

End of day optimization
Additional attribute flow from MMS
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